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God has the very best for us but most of us never get there. We settle for blessings like money or security or other things we can acquire. While these things are considered blessings, they should be considered as second-rate blessings. In other words, you can do better.

If financial gain is the best blessing you have, you are not experiencing God’s best. According to Jesus, you can’t serve both God and money (Matthew 6:24).

 Plainly put, if you skip worship to go out for a day of relaxation, your relaxation is a more valued blessing to you than experiencing God’s presence with your church family.

 Life has fooled us. Many of us have been duped into thinking that money = blessing. Dig a little deeper and you get to real blessings:: relationships, love, eternal life, the Presence of God. These are first-rate blessings – Greater Blessings!

 Jesus asks you a very straightforward question: “What do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your soul?” (Mark 8:36) I think we know the answer: lesser blessings.

 Don’t settle for the lesser blessing. Let God give you His very best!


Sister Kim Musgrave